
Below is a list of my authors. I am always looking for new writers with strong book proposals and I review and respond to every submission.


Submissions Process

I am actively seeing to represent both established and new talent.

I accept emails sent to submissions@susanyearwood.com. Please indicate the book type in the extract and synopsis title e.g. Joe Bloggs, The Book (+9 years).

Also, send a cover email briefly describing yourself and why you have written your book. The attached extract should be the first 30 pages from your novel/non-fiction title and be sent with a synopsis, sent separately, indicating the attachment in the title i.e. (synopsis) (chapters).

The Word or pdf attachment should be 1.5 or double spaced with pages numbered.

Please let me know if you are submitting to other agents. I aim to get back to all writers within two months. However, due to the high volume of emails received, I am unable to provide individual feedback unless I would like to represent you.

If you would like to check our privacy notice before submitting to submissions@susanyearwood.com, please click here.


How to contact me

Call me

+44 (0)20 7503 0954

My location

2 Knebworth House
Londesborough Road
Stoke Newington
London N16 8RL UK