Who we work with

Susan Yearwood Agency sells rights through sub agents:

AJA – Anna Jarota Agency in France and Poland,

Michael Meller Literary Agency in Germany,

PNLA in Italy,

Sebes & Bisseling in The Netherlands, Scandinavia, Denmark and Iceland,

Simona Kessler Agency in Romania,

Andrew Nurnberg in the Czech Republic and

The Martell Agency in the USA.

Other rights enquiries, including film/tv, can be sent to susan@susanyearwoodagency.com.


Frequently asked questions

At Susan Yearwood Agency I negotiate contracts with publishers on the authors’ behalf once they have signed with this agency. I look after the authors’ interests where their relationship with the publisher is concerned.

On signing, the author may have one script completed with an idea for a second book, which is encouraging for the agent and publisher.

I do not offer publishing services to authors.

I am looking for book club fiction (accessible literary), commercial fiction including romance and saga, crime/thriller as well as mystery and suspense. I am also interested in children’s +9 years and teen/YA fiction and non-fiction. If you are writing fiction and non-fiction or adult and children’s fiction, please do let me know on submission.


How to contact me

Call me

+44 (0)20 7503 0954

My location

2 Knebworth House
Londesborough Road
Stoke Newington
London N16 8RL UK